Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction Contest

sinful sunday


Sinful Sunday, for a time, was an erotic flash fiction challenge that was based on a photo and word prompt. It went live each Sunday morning by 12:00 am EST and lasted  until the following midnight. Winners were chosen by a judge that had won the previous week, or, occasionally a guest judge.

Welcome to the new Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction.

The new Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction will no longer be a contest. There are no judges and no badges-now it’s an opportunity for authors to post 100-200 word snippets of whatever they’re working on, “flashing” us with it, so to speak. 😉

But, for those of you who like the challenge of photo and word prompts, responding to those will be an option as well.

Sinful Sunday will not be a weekly challenge anymore, either. It will post once a month, and will occasionally have a holiday theme. Your snippet must be a minimum of 100 words, maximum of 200. Post your story in the comments section of the post. Include your word count, your Twitter handle, blog link or email.

You can write in any genre or style. Adult themes and language are encouraged, but please – no slurs or hate speech.

So come on and join the sexy times!

Please note: This is not the page where the contest prompt appears, nor where you submit your entry. Look on the Contest page for the latest news and updates.

(The Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction contest should not be confused with The Sinful Sunday art and photography contest.)

Disclaimer: The author does not claim to have taken any of the photographs used as prompts. All imagery was found in the public domain via Tumblr.

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