I wish I could bring you pleasure every day.

A sunny summer day, sky dappled with clouds, perfect weather for sitting under shady trees, for watching boats pass by. Skin against skin, she breathes in the crease by his elbow, tastes his sweat. Kissing on a park bench. Are there people around? She doesn’t even know. She’s lost in him. Addicted to the taste […]

Do you still want me?

There are moments after they’re together, when thoughts of him wash over her. When she closes her eyes, and there’s the teasing flick of his tongue in her mouth. Her nerve endings on fire as he kisses her neck. His fingers commanding her body like no one else has. Sometimes it’s his little tells of […]


She’s spent much of her life afraid. Every day, she fights her demons. But now there’s his finger under her chin. His smile, insistent. Making her brave in the face of things she’s scared of. He slays the monsters in her head with orange juice, jokes and desire. He tells her, “You can do this.” […]


His smile across the room is a beacon. Like he’s the lighthouse and she’s the light, she centers herself around him. Feels his presence. She rotates away, worries pulling her into her head, into scary things she imagines, but he draws her back. Calms her. “It’s ok,” he says. “I’m here.” Has it only been […]


She can’t call it a renewal. Not really. Not when it never really ended. Or started. It’s a hazy place they’re in, one without boundaries or definitions, but she doesn’t care. All she cares about is the small upward turn of his lip as he backs her to the wall, and the softly murmured question, […]


If only she could say he was just her addiction. She never cared for booze or cigarettes. Pot was wasted on her. Her vice has always been physical. Hands on hips and nails in skin and teeth and tongues and (mind)fucking until she’s spent. Sex is what she craves. And he feeds her cravings. Every […]


In her car, it’s quiet. No music playing as she follows him home. She seems calm, but underneath the surface, she’s a tempest. A storm beneath the raging sea of waiting for tonight. He opens the door, and she’s all schoolgirl blushes as he shows her around. Scenes from a home she’s only seen in […]

Valentine’s Rewind: The Missing Link

It’s day three of the #ValentinesRewind blog hop! You can check out the full schedule here, as well as the line-up of super awesome prizes. My sexy little snippet here is the second installment of Liam and Miranda’s story from The Missing Piece. I hope you enjoy their version of Valentine’s Day!     The […]

A Great Miracle Happened Here

When Julia Kelly and Alyssa Cole approached me about participating in the 12 Days of Christmakwanzakah Blog Hop, I jumped at the chance to bring a little sexy to the holidays. We celebrate both Christmas and Chanukah in my house, and I love stories that mix the traditions, or, come up with new ones like […]


Your hands are dangerous. Haven’t you caught me by now, staring at them? I’ve imagined all the ways you could you touch me. An unapologetic grasp to my wrist, fast. Harsh. Dragging me close, chafing my sides. Fingertips rough and calloused as they ease up my thighs. I’ve lain up nights thinking about how warm […]