Sinful Sunday Week #7

Welcome back! Last week’s winner was unable to join us for judging this week, so our guest judge is my good friend Jeanette Grey! After brief, unsatisfying careers in advertising, teaching, computers, and homemaking, Jeanette Grey has returned to her two first loves: romance and writing. In her fiction, Jeanette explores characters from all walks of […]

Sinful Sunday Week #6 Results

Thanks so much to everyone who participated yesterday. I really love seeing what you all come up with! Now, on to the results… Judge Clara says: Honorable Mentions: @jezri1 I really liked the dynamic between the characters. @klingorengi You captured the true rapture of submission beautifully. Winner: @antonioangelo21: I like my sex with a bit […]

Sinful Sunday Week #6

Welcome back! This week’s judge is Clara Farnell! Clara has been addicted to erotic fiction for more than ten years, first working her way through fanfiction and then into general erotic romance. She especially enjoys reading and writing about power play and seduction, and lives in an old mill in northern England. Photo prompt: Word […]

Sinful Sunday Week #5

Welcome to week 5 of Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction! This week’s judge is last week’s winner, Lisa McCourt Hollar! Mother, wife, writer, she has self-published several short stories and collections. She also has stories in 7 anthologies. Lisa mostly writes horror but has a few children’s stories as well. She is currently working on her […]