Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction: Abandon

Welcome back to Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction! After a verrrrry long hiatus, I’ve been encouraged to pick it up again. I’m hoping to do it on a monthly basis–probably the last Sunday of every month. There will be no winners. It will be just for creative exercise and fun. 🙂 Word prompt: Abandon: 1) A complete […]

Happy Sinful New Year!

It’s not Sunday, but it’s New Year’s Eve! Let’s ring in 2014 with a little smutty flash fiction! There are so many things we could be doing on New Year’s Eve, so I picked a range of photos and words that might resonate with you. Pick whichever one (or ones) inspires you. Your flash must […]

Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction Week # 50

Welcome to week # 50 of Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction! Today’s judge is Louise Lewin!   Louise a twenty-something-year-old woman from a village about an hour away from London, UK. Her love for writing started as a child with poetry, getting a poem published in an anthology in her early teens, but then she focused on […]

Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction Week # 49 Results

The results are in! Here’s what judge Lolo had to say! Thank you so much for all the sexy flashes! I was greedy—chose two pictures, and you guys made the choice more than worth it! The stories you came up with, and all the sass rocked my world! This wasn’t an easy choice, for sure. @MadiMerek […]

Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction Week # 49

Welcome back! And happy first day of Autumn/Spring (depending on where in the world you are). Today’s judge is Lolo! “Lolo” began exploring her love of literary arts penning  poetry as a child. But these days, she can be found writing stories of  a more ‘grown up’ variety. Though new to the flash fiction scene, […]

Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction Week # 48 Results

The results are in! Here’s what judge Missy had to say! It’s been an exciting Sunday only because you ladies kept me entertained. I looked at these prompts as a real challenge and couldn’t wait to see what would come of them. I have to tell y’all how difficult judging this was, because you ladies have […]

Sinful Sunday Flash Fiction Week # 48

Welcome back! Today’s judge is Missy! As a teenager, Missy had dreams of someday being a writer. As an adult, she is slowly making those dreams come true. These days, when Missy isn’t busy working or taking care if her family, she  likes to spend her spare time with her eyes on her Kindle while […]

Sinful Sunday Week #5 Results

Thanks to everyone who participated! On to the results! Judge Lisa says: Honorable Mentions:   @kl_phipps – Sensual and a little sleazy, I like that. @antonioangelo21 – This story had an intense feel to it. I felt the desperation and loneliness the woman felt came through, which was both erotic and sad at the same […]

Sinful Sunday Week #4 Results

Judge Jeffrey says: The stories this week were so wide-ranging and different in their approaches to the prompts it made choosing more difficult than I’d expected. Here are my purely subjective choices for recognition though: Honorable Mentions:   Rafe Brox @etcet  There was a very flowing rhythm to this story that drew me back to […]

Sinful Sunday Week #4

Welcome back to week #4 of Sinful Sunday! I couldn’t believe how many fantastic entries there were last week! So many, in fact, that last week’s judge chose honorable mentions and a runner up in addition to a winner. (There will be badges for everyone, as soon as I get them finished, that is!) This […]